Systems and Databases Section

It provides a software infrastructure to help administrators, academics and students perform their work at the university by creating, developing and maintaining distinguished electronic systems based on a study and analysis of the requirements of the university’s departments and faculties, in order to adapt to the university’s orientations and in line with the continuous progress of information technology. It also publishes everything related to websites in Arabic and English, starting with the university’s main website, the websites of the faculties with all their departments, the websites of the scientific research and administrative centres, and the websites of the units, sources, offices, and institutes, where it consists of:

Objectives of the Systems and Databases Section:

The presence of cadres with distinguished and specialized experience in the field of work of the section

***Summary of the activities and achievements of the Systems and Databases Section:

1- Preserving and ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of the university’s database.

2- Analyzing, designing, programming and testing current and new systems to suit the new needs of the university. These systems include:

3- Follow up on the development and maintenance of existing software, its continuous evaluation, and preparing the necessary technical documentation for the software.

4- Developing the servers and software used to suit the university’s needs and keep pace with modern developments:

6- Developing the expertise of the programming and systems development department employees in line with the university’s needs and keeping pace with modern developments:

Future Outlook:

Develop comprehensive plans in the field of information technology and its various uses in the educational sector

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